
Vendor: Immunotec
Type: Nutritional Supplement

Prostate Health … It’s Time to Talk About It!

Maintaining prostate health is a major concern for men 40 and over in North America. Despite this, many men are reluctant to broach the subject with their physicians.

Have you noticed any of these symptoms?

  • Increased urinary urgency and frequency – especially at night?
  • Voiding slow, incomplete and sometimes painful or burning?
  • Decreased sexual activity and occasional impotence?
  • Lack of bladder control – incontinence?

Introducing… Magistral for Men Only

A Truly Unique Product for Men Over 40

  • A fast-acting, natural liquid remedy… that consistently helps support and maintain prostate health.
  • Magistral uses a proprietary technology to extract only the active oil portion of the Saw Palmetto berry, therefore Magistral contains the maximum amount of bioactivity from the Saw Palmetto plant. This is unlike most other commercially available Saw Palmetto remedies, which include extracts of the whole berry, including leaves and pulp which significantly dilute the active oil portion resulting in much weaker activity. Saw Palmetto helps to relieve the urological symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (Wilt et al. 2002; Blumenthal et al. 2000).
  • In addition to the unusually high concentration of the active Saw Palmetto oil, Magistral also contains four carefully selected, energy-boosting vitality herbs.
  • Magistral has been proven to be an effective, fast-acting natural alternative for supporting prostate health.

“Eighty percent of men over 50 are concerned with prostate health!”

Did You Know That …

Phytotherapeutic agents (herbs) represent nearly half of all the products dispensed for supporting prostate health in Italy; in Germany and Austria phytotherapy is the first choice for prostate support. ...Do they know something we don’t?

Rate Your Prostate Health

Find out now…with the following assessment survey: This survey was developed by the American Urological Association (AUA) and is currently the standard test to determine urinary health.

Magistral for Men Only – A liquid herbal product designed to support and maintain prostate function.

  • Safe
  • Proven to support prostate function
  • Fast and effective
  • Potent
  • Guaranteed or your money back

Why wait?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.